Sunday, September 21, 2008

baby hats and breaking dawn

Today, I had a plan. I was going to wake up early so I could get laundry done, do dishes, etc before I had to be picked up to babysit for a couple of days. Of coarse I woke up 20 minutes before I was supposed to be picked up instead... so I threw a bag of things together, washed up, and didn't even have time to eat breakfast. Thankfully the family I'm sitting for was making french toast for lunch, so it all worked out. After the family left, I crochet'd two little newborn baby hats for my sister's baby to be. Since she hasn't even had her first ultrasound yet, I thought I'd be safe and make a brown and pink one, and a blue and brown one... even though we're all hoping for a little Owen Thomas Hamilton. Cute name right? (I'm responsible for the Owen, which I'm quite proud of). I also got a little bit if Breaking Dawn time in again... my goal is to have it finished before I pick Erin up at the airport Tuesday. My other goal is to have my freaking car before then... yep. It's still not here. I'm about to kill those guys. Other than making dinner, it was a pretty slow day. We watched two movies, crochet'd, and had fun. Tomorrow however is going to be interesting... mostly because in no way am I a morning person. I have wake the girls up at 6:30am, have them to school by 8am, give their grandma her meds and take her to the senior center by 9am, pick the girls up by 3pm, take rachel to dance at 4, go back and get charlotte for dance at 7, but drop her off 30 min early so i can pick rachel up 30 minutes late, feed them, help with homework, etc. Should be interesting...
wish me luck, until next time.


retro said...

your adorable and i love that you crochet

Anonymous said...

um, why didn't you tell me your sis was preggers?

Kristen said...

sorry i didn't break the news. haha. but now you know... cuz it's mike's super short show!
i'm lame.