Monday, September 22, 2008

"i'm not that dirty..."

so I have a great story to tell.
Background: I finally got Sport this morning! I'm so excited.
Plot: My friend Kayd, a mechanic, came with me to get my car, and after following me back to the house, he was driving me back to the car I'm borrowing for the weekend. My mom called to see how everything went, and she said, "How does Sport look?", and I said, "Well, he's really dirty right now, but other than that he's fine."... at that moment, I noticed Kayd self consciously looking around at his clothes, arms, etc. and then he utters the best line ever... "Hey, I'm not that dirty yet."
I almost peed my pants. He obviously had no idea that I refer to my car as a he, or that he even has a name. I quickly corrected him, and tried not to laugh too much. needless to say, he was quite embarrased. bahaha.

so in other news, I woke up at 6:30am this morning... which is always bad... and dropped the girls off at school. then i had to get their grandmother ready for the day and take her to the senior center. picked up sport, shuttled cars, took a nap, checked on g-ma, picked up girls, took to dance (30 minute drive back and forth twice), got dinner (twice), helped girls with homework, watched a movie, sent girls to bed, and now i'm having to spend another night with them because their parents won't get back until about 2am. brilliant.

tomorrow I'll see if my blood has enough iron in it to donate, unpack my fully stuffed trunk, and then pick erin up from the airport. i'm pretty excited. it's wierd going from being completely deserted and trapped in my home, to missing being there and seeing my roommates. i've been non stop all weekend!

but i'm racking up a little dough, so what can i say.... except,
until next time.

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