Saturday, September 20, 2008

grocery list: waterproof mascara

note to self: never watch Steel Magnolias for the first time while you're alone in your house and you forgot you're wearing mascara. such a bad combination. i realize now why my eyes were stinging so badly during my sob-fest... they had chemicals in them (aka mascara). i'm such a genius. needless to say, i had a good cry, loved the movie, and fixed a messed up candle (slash played with the wax.)

sport update: the truck carrying sport was stuck in mississippi with engine trouble, but was supposed to be back on the road by noon today. according to the guy yesterday, the driver should be in georgia by now, and should be calling me very early in the morning to plan a time to meet up. all i have to say is, if i don't have my car by tomorrow, i'm going to have to bust a cap in the first person i deem responsible.

weekend update: (not snl style)
i woke up today and got ready with the sole purpose of babysitting all day. that's such a bad feeling. waking up knowing you're going to spend the rest of your day with a sassy 8 year old. well, that's what i did. we watched a disney movie, disney chanel tv shows, i watched her jump on the trampoline, made dinner, and then watched "camp rock" with her. (as to be expected, she's obsessed with the jobros and has seen them in concert). the highlight of the day was having some quality breaking dawn re-reading time. oh, and i got paid basically $5 an hr... such a jip. unfortunately it's a family friend. so what are you going to do.
the rest of my weekend and monday will be spent babysitting another family friend's children while they take their older child to visit the Auburn campus. i'm sure i'll be underpaid again, but at least i'll have a car to drive around. tuesday i'll be picking up erin from the airport. i can't wait for her to come home. i've been so bored all week!

last thing: all night, i've been hearing a small plastic sounding "clink clink" from the direction of my roommate emily's room. it's been freaking me out secretly, because i'm the only one here. i played scenarios through my mind (robber, emily who secretly came back, etc), and suddenly i remembered that she has a very old hamster in a tank against the wall. i'm sure that's what is causing the sound, but emily's door is shut, and i'm too much of a chicken to open it... i mean, what if it is a robber?

until next time...

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